Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I guess you know walking, swimming & CYCLING are among skills a person learns and never forgets. The best thing about Cycling is you can ride a bike in any season, terrain, weather. Cycling has not got the status as a sport it deserves, reasons are many like lack of awareness, expensive cycles, lack of competitions and many more… But if you look at health benefits Cycling offers I recommend it as fitness alternative to jogging. Following are few benefits :-
  • It is basically a good aerobic exercise which workout’s heart and lungs thereby improving your cardiovascular fitness and stamina.
  • Tones up leg muscles, this is one aspect which otherwise only Gym can provide.
  • Strengthen back and abs.
  • A very good exercise for people having joint pain. Normally a person with knee or ankle pain cannot run, but cycling help’s. A must for heavy people who otherwise find it difficult to run and cannot swim.
  • As such all sports provide health benefits, but to reap them one needs to workout between 45 min to 1 hr. For beginners this is very difficult, but a person can easily ride for 1 hr.
  • A environment friendly sport.
And the list goes on…..
So pick up a cycle and pedal to a healthy and youthful life…. All the best

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