Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Series: Ride Destinations around Gurgaon-1 Manger

About Manger: It is a 100-hectare jungle, mostly consisting of Dhau trees, in Aravalli hills.
The solitude of the woods, only a few miles outside south Delhi, is refreshing. The forest is sacred, the trees are worshiped and there are two temples. The valley has a village of Gujjar herdsmen who believe in a mystic called Gudariya Baba. They warn: cut a tree’s branch and get ready for the Baba’s wrath. On Sundays, village children share stories of the invisible Baba under a Banyan tree.
Local lore apart, riding in the valley would make you sensitive to the preciousness of our fast-receding green cover. The forest’s wilderness – intertwined trees, twisted trunks, thorny twigs, sandy mounds, rocky riverbeds, bird sounds – is uplifting. But the continuous ghrrrr of airplanes – preparing to land at the Indira Gandhi International Airport – also reminds you that the concrete civilization is not far. This savage beauty is fragile.

Mr Krishen has talked about Mangarbani in his must-read book:

Mangarbani is a sacred forest, consecrated in the memory of Gudariya Baba, a local holy man, and protected by superstition that anyone who breaks a branch or grazes his goats here will suffer grievous harm.

Reaching Mangarbani is easy. we started from Hong kong bazaar sector 57,Gurgaon.
Golf link extn Road - Alhawas Village- Aravalli's- Banidham-Manger (Ref. Map)
We spotted few wild animals like fox's, Blue Bulls(Nilgai) and a black buck too...
we spotted a old ashram on the way, nice scenery, people of village were very hospitable many of them asked us to have tea but we had to ignore them as we didn't knew what others(whome we said No) will do ;-) .we touched faridabad-Gurgaon road while exiting the village near surajkund police station, we had a breakfast way back to gurgaon near TERI .
it was an memorable ride for all riders.
Coming Soon: Many more amazing destinations around Gurgaon.
Ashutosh Shukla, Founder: Gurgaon Peddler's(GP's)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the information. Will surely come for next ride here
