Sunday, December 11, 2011

My First Riding Experience

Now I don’t spend my weekends watching TV….I discover places..
Negating the folklore adage, cycling use to be consider a poor man's car. Time changed and so did the perception.
Today when our cycle speeds up on empty Delhi roads at dawn, a different aura sets around us. And we enjoy it. Cyclists in Delhi or India for that matter are increasing dramatically, it’s a fad. It’s good to see people talking about new range of bicycles (Road, MTB, BMX or Hybrid) to lubricants for machinery.
This has come to me like a comet…
I wanted to adopt a sport to get out of Daily office chores. Thought of adopting bowling, then football (and what not) but nothing gave me more adrenalin rush than riding on my Ducati Monster 600 to India Gate with Noida Cycling Club first time in April 2011. That was just the beginning, from an average speed of 15kmph to an average speed of 25kmph today…from a distance of 19km in 1.5 hours to covering 100 km in 4 hours..cycling as a passion has taken out the sportsperson inside me.
That was my first ride with people whom I met on facebook. My first lesson on intricacies on biking was been taught at India Gate only. It’s still a learning process and we are learning in each of our rides.
Thanks to all of my fellow riders.
Next Is what….
Road Bike…..
Ankit Laroiya

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