Monday, December 12, 2011

Cycling and Male Fertility

The Problem with Cycling

  • Riding a bicycle leaves a rider with three points to carry the bulk of his weight. Two locations are the pedals, and the third is the seat. While the handles help, the majority of body is carried on the other three. And, while riding long distances, most riders tend to sit. Unfortunately, due to designs to reduce bike weight, particularly for competition purposes, the bike seats on road cycles have grown smaller and smaller. This leaves a very small contact space for a significant amount of body weight to sit on. In doing so, the bottom groin area of the male rider ends up taking the most abuse from body weight, road concussion, and repetitive damage
Read more: Cycling & Male Fertility |

Yeah this is could be true but for those who ride with very high seat and mismatched cycle size according to their height or continuously for more than 8 - 10 hrs(on daily basis), otherwise all top level cyclist would be impotent [including me :-) ]. A national level cyclist needs to practice for min 3 hrs at a stretch in one session with 5 to 6 hrs per day to be able achieve and maintain that performance. so do change your saddle if very narrow ( and if it hurts) plus adjust seat height according to your leg length - Ajit Singh (BSF)

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